Why I chose an apprenticeship at ADNS
18th Feb 2020 In People By Jack Francis

Why an ADNS apprenticeship was the right choice to starting my career. 

Even though apprenticeships are on the rise they are getting more and more of a bad rep so from an apprentice here's a few reasons to maybe reconsider if the stigma.

Gaining a Qualification

An apprenticeship allows me to work alongside with the employer in gaining a qualification through college and on the job work. The style of training means after learning the theory I have the chances to implement it in a work based environment and truly understand how the ins and outs of business work. Getting into this type of employment early allows for great potential growth not only withing an industry but with personal skills that carry on to be used throughout life.

No Student Debt

Leaving Uni with upwards of £50,000  of student debt hanging over you're head is not how anyone wants to start earning however with an apprenticeship there's no looming dept once its finished the only thing to do is carry on growing ,expanding and earning.

Understanding the Working World

For someone like me there's only so much you can learn inside a classroom, being in a workplace gives real hands on experience and not just the company specifics, it helps prepare you for the rest of your life no matter what you end up doing or where you do it certain skills are transferable to everything and an apprenticeship is the perfect way to grow these skills. 

Have any more questions for an aprenctice or anyone else on the team call 01642 248 750 or get in touch at info@adnsgroup.com, we look forward to hearing from you.