<span>Health & Social Care Circuits</span>
Health & Social Care Circuits
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Home Our Services Health & Social Care Circuits (HSCN)

IT built for health care

Health & Social Care Circuits (HSCN) has been designed as a faster, more secure network to help transform Health Care Services across the UK.

HSCN replaced the older N3 Network, giving organisations an improved access to health care resources and applications.

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Unlinke N3, with HSCN you can choose your provider. At ADNS we work with many NHS partners to deliver primary care, care home and out of hours services.  

We have expert knowledge in the health care sector, enabling us to prepare your organisation to meet the required security standards for access onto the HSCN circuit. Once accepted, we work closely with our partner Nynet to deliver the line.  

Reduce your IT-based risk and increase your productivity. Contact ADNS Group today to discuss Heath & Social Care Circuits.